GTA Consultants was engaged to assess the anticipated transport implications of the proposed port development, including:
Vehicle access to the site is proposed via the existing Northern Power Station Road which connects to the Augusta Highway.
During the construction phase of the project, Northern Power Station Road is expected to carry a reasonable volume of heavy vehicle traffic which will be associated with construction materials in addition to the light vehicle traffic associated with construction workers.
However, when the site enters operation, most of the traffic to the site will be light vehicles associated with the facility workers. Since the iron ore will be transported via the rail network, it is expected that only occasional heavy traffic will travel to the site, likely associated with rubbish collection or ongoing maintenance.
No upgrades are required to the adjacent road network to facilitate heavy vehicle access to the site during the construction period or the site’s operation.
The number of deliveries via rail to the site is assumed to be similar to rail traffic associated with the former Northern Power Station coal supply. Traffic impact at rail level crossings is not expected to change from what has previously been experienced.
As the project is not anticipated to generate high volumes of traffic during construction or future operations, the intersection of Augusta Highway and Northern Power Station Road will not require adjustment as it currently already caters for vehicles up to PBS Level 3A (double road train) and is well designed to cater for the low traffic volume expected.