The following potential air quality impacts were assessed:
For the purposes of assessment, the nearest receptors (residential properties), are located approximately 1,000 metres from the site boundary and approximately 2,000 metres from ore handling operations.
Based on the guidance from the South Australian Environment Protection Authority (Evaluation distances for effective air quality and noise management (SA EPA 2012a)) and Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction (IAQM 2014) prepared by the UK Institute of Air Quality Management, the risk of air quality impacts during construction is considered to be negligible.
The risk of air quality impacts associated with marine operations, during both barge loading/unloading and transhipment, is also considered to be negligible.
Ore handling activities were identified as having the greatest potential for off-site air quality impact. Although the closest receptors are more than 2,000 metres from the ore handling facility, dust from the site has impacted the community in the past and it is acknowledged that there is heightened concern around dust as a result.
Therefore, a detailed assessment of potential dust impacts from ore handling has been completed, guided by the Environmental Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016 (South Australian Environment Protection Authority).
The detailed assessment found negligible impacts to air quality from proposed ore handling activities.
The majority of dust generating activities linked to the operation of the site are enclosed to minimise dust movement off-site and ensure compliance with Environment Protection Authority regulations.
Ongoing dust management across the site as a whole, as previously delivered by Flinders Power, will be continued in line with the Site Management Plan.