Our Development Application, which was submitted in July 2020, involves the development of upgraded and new infrastructure and facilities designed to receive, store and handle iron ore. At this stage, it is anticipated the port will be operational by late 2022.
Port Playford is strategically positioned close to critical road and rail infrastructure connecting it with key mineral provinces, meaning commodities can be received from all directions and stored at the site before being exported by sea.
Iron ores are rocks from which metallic iron can be economically extracted. The two main iron ores types are hematite and magnetite. More than 90% of South Australia’s iron ore is magnetite located in several areas of the state, from the Eyre Peninsula to the Braemar province and the Far North.
Approximately 2.3 million tonnes of magnetite were produced in South Australia in 2018 for domestic use and export and there are a number of magnetite projects in various stages of development. South Australia is looking to capitalise on these deposits and increase the output of magnetite exported each year, delivering significant potential opportunities for economic growth and jobs in the supply chain around this industry.